Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday, July 16 The Olympics and Vacation Bible School.

On Monday, the morning was spent doing Vacation Bible School activities. The little kids were in the eating area of the home, I was upstairs in the chapel with the older kids. Many of you here at home, made these activities possible with your donations of money and materials. These are memory boxes. We had 4 lessons that had objects to go in the boxes to help them remember the lesson.

In one activity, the kids were asked to write a prayer for themselves.
Anna later told me that a boy in her group prayed for his heart to be
broken with the same things that breaks God's heart.

I was able to use my new Macbook to share some photos of the Silver Lake Sand Dunes
with the kids. Our lesson was from Psalm 139 where God thinks about us as many times as there are
grains of sand.  

In the afternoon we had the olympic events. Here is the opening ceremony, complete with team flags and bandanas.

This is Anna and her team.

Here are the guys prior to worship.

Here are the ladies.

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