When this trip became a possibility mid-May, there were 4 details that needed to be taken care of. In my head I told myself, "If God gets these 'impossible' details resolved, I will know I am supposed to go on this trip." The details were: somone to take care of my dog (yep!), to have the camping trip I'd already scheduled with my son rescheduled (yep!), my passport in less than two weeks so it could be included with the rest of the passports to be given a Visa to get in/out of India (it takes 4-6 weeks to get a passport and if you pay extra 2-3 weeks . . . mine came in 8 days) (yep!). The final detail was the money. You may wonder how much does it cost to take a trip like this. The flights, and in-country cost is $4.000, the passport and shots were over $300, other costs include purchasing craft supplies, sporting goods, items needed by the children, and thank you gifts to give to our hosts. The money part of my trip seemed truly 'impossible' and I didn't want to ask anyone for money.
As I began to talk about this trip, people actually asked me if I needed money to go! I was given a check for $100, $100, and $200. This last week a check came from the estate of a dear friend. She left it in her Will to give some of her estate to friends for them (are you ready for this?) . . . to travel. Her Will was in place long before I had even heard of this trip. Wow, God!
Yesterday, God put the final reassurance and financing in place. My church family, New Hope Community Church in Shelby, MI put on an amazing fund raiser and raised over $1000! This was beyond my imagination! There were many who gave items, baked, and worked until their bodies hurt. My thanks to you for peeling onions, collecting gift cards to auction off, for washing dishes, baking, selling, making cotton candy, and for the many buyers at the auction. I appreciate and am humbled by ALL of your effort, your love and your prayers.
God's love comes to us vertically down from heaven. When we are filled with His love, it overflows us and spills out to the people around us horizontally. God's love has flowed into me through so many of you. Here is the bigger picture - this mission trip is a chance for ME to be the person who receives Gods love, overflows and share His love with the children of India! Wow, what an honor!
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